Lulu - Gambia Sirius-Canis Maior at ClauWill
When I saw the lovely pairing of Lulus parents I could not resist to contact the breeder Sylwia Kolodziejczak from Poland. After couple of text and phone calls once the pregnancy was confirmed, I crossed the fingers that this time a girl will be the one for me. And we were in luck, Shira ( Lulu’s mum) gave birth to 3 girls and 7 boys in total.
I went over to the see them when they were 8 weeks old and Lulu just captured my heart and I could not say no. She fitted right into my little pack of ridgebacks with her happy and a bit of wild character. Aunty Ruby thaught her quickly what manners are and uncle Ollie loves to play with her.
At the moment we do basic obedience training, show ring training and scent work. We had a some great success in the Show ring. She is developing in such a loving, caring and energetic Ridgeback. It is a real joy having her around.